Time & attendance
Time & attendance
Let your access control integrate and offer you more with
- Paxton access control time & attendance integration
- Hikvision face recognition & Hik central license software

Time & attendance
Let your access control integrate and offer you more with
I highly recommend Vuetek Systems. Marriott have worked with Vuetek on many projects very successfully. They have designed, upgraded and maintained systems tailored to each individual hotel property and grounds.
My needs were met without any hassle. Everything was clearly explained to me. The engineers carried out their work with no disruption to our systems or business. The engineers cleaned up after themselves, I have never seen other contractors to do that. I feel I have had a professional service and treated as a valued customer. I highly recommend Vuetek Systems.
Vuetek Systems CCTV are all about excellence
We used to change locks in our properties so often due to tenants loosing keys, not returning keys or the security risk that past tenants have copy keys. No longer is this an issue – Vuetek have installed into our Preston properties access control systems. Access can now be better controlled at the properties and new cards easily updates. The service was very professional and adds an edge when showing prospective tenants round
When we needed someone to just do their job, no hassle and no problems Vuetek did